How do I remove the Java Deployment cache after Java is uninstalled?

This article applies to:
  • Platform(s): macOS, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP

The Java Deployment cache contains files that may have been stored by Java while Java was running. It may also contain settings that were modified through the Java Control Panel.

These instructions will help you remove the Java Deployment cache, if Java has been uninstalled from the computer. The cache may still be on the computer if it was not removed during the uninstall. If Java is still installed, you may use the uninstall tool, to uninstall Java and select to remove the Java cache.

Remove Oracle Java cache on Windows

  1. Click Start->run and type cmd.exe and hit return
  2. Type or copy/paste this command into the DOS window:
    cd %APPDATA%\..\LocalLow\Sun\Java
  3. Type or copy/paste this command into the DOS window:
    rmdir /s /q deployment

Remove Oracle Java cache on Mac

  1. Click on the Finder icon located in your dock
  2. Click on Go in the Finder menu
  3. Click on Utilities
  4. Double-click on the Terminal icon
  5. In the Terminal window Copy and Paste the commands below:
    rm -r ~/"Library/Application Support/Oracle/Java"