How do I install Java for my Mac?

This article applies to:
  • Platform(s): macOS
  • Java version(s): 8.0

Mac System Requirements for Oracle Java 8 and later versions

  1. X64 based macOS platform running versions 10.8.3+
  2. Administrator privileges
  3. Only 64-bit browser only (e.g., Safari)

The screen shots and instructions below are for Java 8 Update 311 (8u311). If you are installing another version, make sure you change the version number appropriately.
Example: For Java 8 Update 311 (8u311) the file to download is jre-8u311-macosx-x64.dmg

Confirm Java Version

To confirm installed Java version, refer to instructions page here:

Install Java on Mac

Note: Below instructions are specific to macOS Big Sur (11.x)

1. Download the jre-8u311-macosx-x64.dmg file.
    Review and agree to the terms of the license agreement before downloading the file.

2.  Double-click the .dmg file to launch it

3.  A dialog box with Java 8 Update reference will appear

JRE update Install dialog on macOS

4.  Double-click on the .app icon to launch install Wizard. You might be prompted with message indicating app being downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open it? (See below screenshot as reference). 
  Click Open to continue.

5.  The Install Wizard displays the Welcome to Java installation screen. Click Install

6.  The MacJRE Installer dialog appears, prompting the user to enter a password to continue. Enter Password and click Continue to proceed with installation.

7.  This step will initiate install process. Once it is completed, a confirmation screen appears. Click Close to finish the installation process.