Why am I seeing the message 'Error: You are located in an embargoed country and cannot download Java' ?


When trying to download and install Java you receive an error message that says:

The Java(TM) cannot be downloaded to your machine. You are located in an embargoed country.


The Oracle download center contains important safeguards to ensure compliance with the export regulations of the United States and with Oracle's own policies regarding international distribution of software and source code. Oracle also enforces all U.S. mandated embargoes and trade sanctions with regards to certain countries.

For details on Export Regulations on Oracle products, including a current list of prohibited end users, please see: http://www.oracle.com/us/products/export/export-regulations-345813.html.

If you are not in one of these locations and if the server attempting to download is not in one of these locations, please go to java.com to confirm you are able to access this site.

Please contact export_ww (which is @oracle.com) if you believe you are receiving this notice in error.