How do I deploy Java using Active Directory across a network?

This article applies to:
  • Platform(s): Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows 11
  • Java version(s): 8.0

This help page is intended for network administrators. It is assumed that you have sufficient knowledge to perform the technical steps.

Oracle Support Customers must use the installers provided by Oracle to receive support on installation issues.

MSI Enterprise JRE Installer

With the release of Java SE 8u20, Oracle introduced an MSI Enterprise JRE Installer. This is a new MSI compatible installer that enables system administrators to install the JRE across the enterprise without end user interaction. Integrated with the MSI Installer is the Java Uninstall Tool, which provides the option to remove older versions of Java from the system. Now the common features such as rollback of unsuccessful installs, repair of broken installations and installing over existing broken installations are all accessible with the MSI Installer in place.

The MSI Enterprise JRE Installer is only available as part of Oracle Java SE Advanced products1 and is available to customers via My Oracle Support (MOS).

  • See "Downloading the Installer" section in JRE Installation for Microsoft Windows documentation for more information.

  • The following new configuration parameters are added to support commercial features, for use by Oracle Java SE Advanced products licensees only.



  • See Installing With a Configuration File for more information about these and other installer parameters.

  • The Java Uninstall Tool is integrated with the installer to provide an option to remove older versions of Java from the system. The change is applicable to 32 bit and 64 bit Windows platforms. See Uninstalling the JRE for more information.

1 Overview of the Java SE Product Editions and the Commercial Features available in each edition.


Although information is available in the public domain explaining steps to extract the .msi file from the installer for deployment through Active Directory based network, this practice is unsupported, installations done using this method might not work correctly, and Oracle can not guarantee that future Java updates will continue to allow extracting the .msi file.